Lights, camera, action!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Wow, it's nearly a year since I last posted a review. That's quite bad. But I just felt compelled to, you know, after so much time away. So here we go!

The Christmas Card (2006)
Dir: Stephen Bridgewater
Starring: John Newton, Alice Evans, Edward Asner

Just the title of this film gives you an impression of what it's going to be like, doesn't it? You think, 'No self-respecting, intelligent movie would actually call itself The Christmas Card!' But this one has, although it is only actually a TV movie.

Right, the plot: A fairly stoic, if good-hearted, military general in Afghanistan is sent a Christmas card from a woman in a small California town, who sends him good wishes and tells him about her perfect little town, perfect little family and perfect little church. Urgh. Anyway, he seems to rather like this and when he's given his leave of absence the next winter heads off to Nevada City, where she lives. There he meets the woman, Denise-Van-Outen-lookalike, and her open-hearted, good-natured parents, the Twinkly-Eyeds. Anyway, after saving Mr Twinkly-Eyed from a car accident, Military Man is invited to stay with them for Christmas in their picture perfect log cabin home. As the days lead up to Christmas Military Man takes part in all sorts of festive activities such as a tour of the family's logging company, a village hall dance, the selling of Christmas trees, the taking of photos with a crappy disposable camera and the carving of a very special bench. Meanwhile he (without telling her about the card) falls in love with Denise-Van-Outen-lookalike and Mr and Mrs Twinkly-Eyed decide he'd be the perfect son-in-law. Only one problem: Denise-Van-Outen-lookalike is getting engaged to Most-Boring-Man-Onscreen-Ever, but he's obviously not right, so Military Man has to rectify the situation immediately, learning (obviously) the True Spirit Of Christmas. How nice.

I absolutely loved it. Seriously. I know, with that plot, I should hate it but I don't. Military Man and Denise-Van-Outen-lookalike just make such a great couple, and the town is so utterly postcard perfect, and it's all so heart-warmingly sweet I just can't hate it. Every character is so selfless and good-hearted - with the exception of Most-Boring-Man-Onscreen-Ever, who isn't even evil, just... boring.

I shouldn't even like this family that much, seeing as they own a logging company (um, protection of the environment anyone?) and are sickly sweet, church-going, probably Bush-supporting Americans, but damnit, I want that family! I'm thinking future in-laws???

See this film. You'll probably hate it, and it really should be hated. It's so incredibly sentimental and the performances aren't even that good but it's going to be a favourite of mine from now on, I can tell. A Christmas regular, I should think...


Tallie xxx
P.S. Merry Christmas!

There aren't any memorable quotes. Sorry. The dialogue wasn't the wittiest.


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